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【R-1 Yogurt English Version】Let's "Moonshine" R-1 Yougurt of Meiji at Home.



日本語で生活されている方へ 実験的に英語でアップしてみました。下手くそな英語ですが、笑わないでくださいね。


My name is Nofight (not Noflight because I love flight by using millage).


Apology for English Speaker: Since a following message is written by a Japanese and not edited by native English speakers, it must contain many errors. I'm afraid I could make me understood. 







 R-1 Yogurt of Meiji Corporation is very famous and has a good reputation in Japan since it is said to be effective to prevent cold and influenza.


 But the price is high as least for me. One bottle (112 ml) costs around 140 yen.

In order to increase  immunity, additionally, we should drink one bottle a day. Every-day drinking for a month costs more than 4,000 yen per person. For a family of three members, for example, it costs more than 10,000 yen a month!!  Certainly, health is important, but actually we must consider the cost for keeping it because money is important as well.  


 I googled, wondering there might be generic of R-1 as effective as and cheaper than R-1.


 Oh, my Gosh!  I found the method of "moonshining" R-1 at my home kitchen, that is making a dozen of R-1 by copying an original one by using a simple machine.


 A following is a recipe.


 As startup investment, buy a yogurt maker, costs about 4,000 yen. 


 Buy a bottle of R-1(112ml), costs 140 yen.

 Buy a paper bottle of milk (1,000ml), costs 170 yen


 Pour R-1 into a paper bottle of milk (before mixing the two ingredients, you should take out 100ml of milk not to overflow the bottle; of course, you can drink it)


 Set the bottle in the yogurt maker.

 For processing, 40℃ for 8 hours is recommended.


 Then you can get 9 bottles of R-1 generic. The cost is only 140 yen (for original R-1) +170 yen (for milk) =310 yen.  


 310 yen for 9 bottles!  About 35 yen for a bottle of R-1 "moonshined at home" !!


 This might be good news for you if you should be interested in R-1.  






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